The Otília Pessoa Murta Lourenço Foundation and husband Dr. José Lourenço Júnior, also designated by the Dr. José Lourenço Júnior Foundation, founded in 1990, is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity, an institution without profiter, which develops its social and cultural action in Abiul, municipality of Pombal, where it originates from or its founder and benefactor, Dr. José Lourenço Júnior.
Support for the Elderly offers its main activity, with the Sociocultural promotion of the community used in secondary activity. Inaugurated in December 2000, in the historic village of Abiul, some modern facilities: Lar Otília Lourenço.
"Saúde em Casa" slows the institutionalization of the elderly, in Pombal Jornal 03.12.2020
The Dr. José Lourenço Júnior Foundation and the Municipality of Pombal signed...
All aid is important for the institution and population of Abiul. How to help?
Be Solidary!
Please allocate 0.5% of your IRS discounts:
Do you know that you can donate 0.5% of your IRS Tax, to our institution, free of charge, simply and without any consequences for you?
Under Law No. 16/2001 of 22 June (Article 32 No. 6), you can allocate part of the taxes you pay to the State in favor of this institution, for additional aid and thus contribute to charitable works.
It has no cost for you and, for us, it will be a very significant help.
Thank you in advance for your support! All values, small or large, are important for our institution and for our mission of caring.
Also invite your friends and family to do the same!
Dr. José Lourenço Júnior Foundation:
Rua Pinheiro Chagas, nº 101 -3º DT
1050-176 Lisboa
T.: 213 153 571
M.: 934 896 349
Otília Lourenço Home:
Rua da Fundação, nº 20
3100-012 Abiul
T.: 236 920 800
M.: 932 815 782