Highlight in Pombal Jornal about the EUSOUDIGITAL Program and the contribution of the Dr. José Lourenço Júnior Foundation to this project, which, in partnership with the Parish Councils of Abiul and Vila Cã and with the support of the Inter-Freguesias Social Commission Csif Abiul Vila Cã, created the EUSOUDIGITAL Center in Abiul & Vila Cã!
In this article, João Jesus, the Foundation's marketing and communication manager, talks about the importance of having more and more adults trained in the various aspects of Digital Literacy: "the essential thing is to be willing to share knowledge and help deal with new issues technologies”.
Dr. José Lourenço Júnior Foundation:
Rua Pinheiro Chagas, nº 101 -3º DT
1050-176 Lisboa
T.: 213 153 571
M.: 934 896 349
E.: marketing@fundacao-jlourencojr.org
Otília Lourenço Home:
Rua da Fundação, nº 20
3100-012 Abiul
T.: 236 920 800
M.: 932 815 782
E.: lar.otilialourenco@fundacao-jlourencojr.org